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Message from the President

Time truly passes with the blink of an eye – it has been twelve years since the establishment of the Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Rheumatology. It has been our joy and honour to work with health professionals of all fields, to make the world a better place for children with rheumatological conditions; be it in clinical or patient care, research or education.

I would also like to take this chance to express my gratitude to the Society’s past presidents, for it was their efforts – and that of all our friends and colleagues, that enabled us to stand here today.

Looking into the future, our Society will continue to venture forth in endeavours of excellence, with integrity, inclusivity and cooperation – to work hand in hand, to develop the field of Paediatric Rheumatology.


Dr. Assunta Ho - HKSPR President


"To stimulate public interest and rally support for patients suffering from paediatric rheumatic diseases."
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