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Become a part of our Society

Please ensure to complete and submit the online form below, or the downloadable PDF, together with the required items.
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Register to Join Our Membership

Open to medical practitioners and other healthcare professionals who identify with the objectives of the Society

Membership Subscription

The present entrance fee is HK$100. The annual subscription fees are HK$200 and HK$100 for ordinary and associate members respectively. The subscription fee for ordinary life member is HK$2,000

Membership: Ordinary Members

Any medical practitioners registered with Hong Kong Medical Council who are interested in paediatric rheumatology shall be eligible. They are entitled to vote, to hold office and to take part in all the Society’s functions. Application for membership shall be proposed by one and seconded by another Society member, both of whom must have voting right. All applications for ordinary membership are subject to approval by the Council.

Membership: Ordinary Life Members

Any medical practitioners eligible for being Ordinary Members shall be at the same time eligible for being life members upon payment of the requisite fees. The application shall go through the same vetting process and members are entitled the same right and privileges as Ordinary members.

Membership: Associate Members

Any persons duly proposed, seconded and passed in a council meeting for their contribution to the Society or to the study of paediatric rheumatology shall become associate members. Such members shall enjoy all the privileges of the Society except the power of voting and holding office.

Membership Activities

 Scientific Meetings
 Public Education
 Conference Sponsorships
 Publications
 Collaboration with other academic bodies

Type of Membership Applied For

Note: All personal data collected is held on the Society’s Membership Database. It is used in the business of the society and members’ names and addresses will only be supplied to reputable professional bodies when the Council believes that the disclosure will genuinely be of interest to the majority of members.

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